Date: October 20-23, 2023
Venue: Athens, Greece
TIMM-11 will be held in Athens, Greece. The Athens International Airport is connected to all major cities around the world at competitive prices. The meeting venue offers state of the art meeting rooms and facilities. Athens features easy and quick transportation at very low cost. Boasting a history of 2.500 years with monuments incorporated into the modern city, coupled with world class museums and a vibrant contemporary cultural life, Athens becomes a very attractive destination.
The final programme will be available in the spring of 2023.
The TIMM-11 will start on Friday 20 October 2023 with registration, symposia, keynote lectures, sponsored symposia, opening ceremony and welcome reception. TIMM-11 will end on Monday 23 October 2023 at noon.
Abstract deadline
The deadline for abstract submission is 1 June 2023.
Congress language
The congress language will be English.
Exhibition & sponsored symposia
A targeted group of biotechnical and pharmaceutical companies will be invited to organise a sponsored integrated symposium and or exhibit their products and services.
Osnovna svrha projekta je doprinijeti uvođenju, razvoju i održivosti programa društveno korisnog učenja na fakultetima. Više o projektu
Cilj Društva je okupljanje mikrobiologa i stručnjaka srodnih struka s ciljem unapređenja svih grana mikrobiologije.
Date: 25-28 September 2024
Venue: Zadar, Croatia
We are honoured and pleased to invite you to the second international symposium “Power of Viruses 2024” to be held at the Hotel Kolovare, Zadar, Croatia, 25-28 September 2024.Date: 23rd - 27th September 2024
Venue: Rovinj, Croatia
Balkan Fungus 2024: The 3rd Balkan Conference on Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology
Date: 10 - 12 October 2024
Venue: Belgrade, Serbia
FEMS Summer School for Postdocs 2024
Date: 2 - 10 September 2024
Venue: Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MedILS) in Split, Croatia
Ovaj sveučilišni priručnik napisalo je petnaestak autora iz desetak visokoškolskih ustanova iz Zagreba i Rijeke, a sadržaj je podijeljen u petnaest, slikama bogato ilustriranih poglavlja u kojima su opisane i obrađene različite bakteriološke, virološke, mikološke, imunološke i molekularno-biološke metode koje se upotrebljavaju u općoj mikrobiologiji koja se studira na nizu različitih fakulteta i visokih škola.
Radi se o vrhunskoj literaturi za potrebe visokoškolske nastave iz veterinarske imunologije. Knjiga je svojim sadržajem namijenjena prvenstveno studentima, ali i veterinarima u praksi i nastavnicima.
(Iz recenzije)